Thursday, May 28, 2015

Five Year Update!

Lookie here!  Five years already since that fateful day.  This is the first year that I haven't had that feeling of anxiety and dread when the anniversary comes around.

The best news is that my plantar fasciitis is under control. Last summer my left foot was on the mend and then the plantar on my right started bothering me.  I couldn't believe how I battled first the left, and then the right foot for almost three years!  Having plantar fasciitis definitely put limits on how much walking I could do.  I still believe that my knee problems had something to do with it, but maybe not.

In the year since I last wrote I have had only one flare up on my knee.  I went on vacation and was standing and walking for like 10 hours a day. After four days of this my knee swelled up and I had trouble walking.  Since I was on vacation I had to resort to the RICE method, which means rest, ice, compression and elevation.  I went to the store, got a knee compression sleeve, got an ice bag, bought a folding stool, and elevated my knee as much as possible.  Of yes, I don't want to forget the Advil. (To me, Advil (ibuprofen) has always been the best with knee pain ). After a few days of RICE treatment everything returned to normal. Truth be told, I was in a panic when it happened but things worked out well. So don't panic if you have a flare up after a drastic increase in activity.  Listen to your body!

I've been doing a lot of walking now that my plantar fasciitis is better so I went out and got a Fitbit. My goal is to walk 5 miles a day and I've been on target almost everyday.  It helps to be retired.  Before my accident I really enjoyed walking, and I still do, so an I thrilled to be able to get out in the fresh air so much.

After 5 years, I feel great.  I hope everyone has faith that they will come through this.  I know we are all different, but I want everyone out there to know that you will have good days and a few bad days but there is life after TPF.

Best wishes for a healthy and happy healing, friends!