Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hardware Removal Two Week Update

Here's my two week update for my HWR on October 18, 2011

It's been two weeks since the surgery and one week since I got the stitches out. The leg feels really good overall. I have a lot of bruising around the incision site. It doesn't look very pretty, but it is getting better. I still have quite a bit of bruising on the medial shin, although it is already yellow and fading. I still have a fair amount of swelling at the incision site, which I suppose would be normal. So, between the bruising and swelling it's not very pretty.

I am pretty much doing everything as before, with the exception of long walks. I think when the swelling and bruising goes down walking longer distances will be easier. I also walk a little bit slower than before. The ROM is almost 80+% of what it was before. I'm sure if I wanted to push it I could get more ROM, but I am not eager to test the stitches to the limit. I'm sure when the swelling goes down the ROM will come back.

As far as pain, I get some minor throbbing at night, but nothing too bad. Like I said, I am a big baby with pain and this procedure was much less than painful that I expected.

Another odd thing, my original scar was on the side of my left leg, and the removal scar is more about halfway between the old scar and the kneecap. And it is bigger than the original scar, but my OS told me that ahead of time.

It's a great feeling not to have that bulky plate in. It feels like taking off shoes in the evening and letting your toes wiggle around! Free!

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